Friday, July 30, 2010

Do people really want to go 3D??

As I browse through engadget, gizmodo, digg, kotaku, blogging/news feed websites. I noticed the LARGE amounts of articles about 3D. Nvidia are researching more and developing 3D graphics cards, other companies such as Samsung, Sharp are also doing the same. So why the hype of 3D??

3D entertainment started around 1910s. 3D is a simply an illusionary affect on your eyes. 3D works with two motion pictures, the two motion pictures are essentially positioned the same angle as your eyes would be placed. The two pictures are combines and you just need a pair of 3D glasses to watch the film or photo. The 3D glasses filters the the image allowing your left eye to watch one of the pictures and the right viewing the other picture. As you may remember back, we used to have the red and blue 3D glasses, and now we have what looks like vintage style sunglasses. The difference is polarization, this means the lens has slits with different angles. So in order to filter the two pictures, the pictures are done with the a opposing angles.

The question is why is 3D now the newest hype? 3D started with animations, this increase the number of customers inparticular with children to watch their movies. As more and more people like to watch movies in 3D, electronic manufacturing companies realize why not put 3D technology into our LCD screens, graphics card, recording camera. I think 3D became a big star in entertainment technology is when James Cameron directed the movie called Avatar. It was the extremely expensive to develop because it require two main things, one 3D recording cameras and two 3D motion capturing technology to create this Sci-fi fantasy world. As we know it was a major HIT, and more and more people demanded 3D technology to be implemented into all displays.

I think that 3D technology, is only going to last for a couple of years. I don't think it would be the new replacement for the current 2D scrrens. I mean who would like to wear 3D glasses whilst eating dinner watching tv shows, or spent hours of game time with 3D glasses on.

If only holograms were discovered and develop. However, the current holograms is with lasers and its kind of hard to change certain areas of the hologram with a specific color.

This link is an interactive history of 3D technology.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

FPS Gaming Devices

CTA announces PS3 Assault Rifle, dignity sold separately

Oh Come on!!! This is the worst idea I EVER seen. I thought this company has made a gun that I can point and aim the device as I would need on the screen.

To make it worst, one SINGLE MAN developed an actual VR gun gaming. Check out the site, it makes the CTA's ps3 assault rifle look like a peanut.


This awesome dude, made this VR game gun with one gyroscopic device, one lcd screen, sprinkle of homemade modding to a toy gun, last but not least a little dash of wiring.

Ok fine it costs US$250 for the VR Game Gun, were as CTA's is a $75. But LOOK at the difference:
One is basically a PS3 controller that shaped into a M4 assault rifle
OR an short version of a M17 with a screen that allows you to aim and shoot to play the game.

For me as a FPS gamer, I would die for a VR Game Gun. Whereas the CTA's PS3 assault rifle well, it just like title I lose some of my dignity.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Touch Screens

I just saw this today surfing on engadget. It's a demostration of using a touch screen intregrated laptop to play Supreme Commander.

Touch Screen with Supreme Commander.

How awesome is this!?!? I always wonder when was touch screen going to be used for gaming. It's brillaint! I bet that iPhone users play with their device nearly everyday whenever they have the chance. So why can't we place it on our computers?

(Tom Cruise in Minority Report, 2002)

The intergration of the touch screen systems to computers, has started many many years ago (more than 25 years!). The invention of very first 'touch screens' was back in 1971 by Dr Sam Hurst (founder of Elographics), that was 29 years ago! The touch screen system wasn't entirely a touch screen we now know, it was more of a sensor (quite massive). It was only until 1974s, Dr Sam Hurst created a transparent touch screen system. This raised one main question for me, Why did the touch screens not catch on until now?(, by Mary Bellis)

(Image from Elographics,

I believe, there were couple of reasons why there was no hype in touch screen systems. Personal Computers only just started, so thinking of commericalizing touch screens for day to day basis would be hard. The price to create and sell the device to the gernal public would be extremely high. Especially Dr Sam Hurst just invented it and started the Elographics company. CPUs' processing speed were extremely slow. So any programs created to process the touch screen data into the data would require too much power.

What about 10-20 years ago? Why nothing happen with touch screens until now? It was simple, no one bothered to make it for commerical purposes. Nor anyone bother to pay for the money to research in to improve the technology. Back 10 years ago, most of the touch screens, I have seen was paid and used for tourist or medical purposes. Even at times, the touch systems I've seen used from non government organization, had only a small handful of them installed around the area. Of course it wasn't

Now that Apple created the iPhone, every mobile manufacturing company decides to cahse up and create their own. I am not saying that Apple made the first touch screen phone, but it is the only brand that has successfully caught the world's attention. Of course, Apple was aided by its own branding and popularity from the Macintosh and iPod. Applying touch screens to the general public, only started as a marketing strategy about 5-10 years ago. A point, I must also point out about the major difference with the sales in Apple's touch technology with the others. Apple's product is much quicker and accurate than the most of the smartphone. Some smartphones' touch screens, doesnt seem to respond or have the smooth flow between your fingers and the phone's screen.

I hope because Touch screens system nowadays gotten alot better. It has a higher durability, faster processing speed, and accurate readings. I really do hope touch screens becomes the next new interface between user and computers. It brings fantasies from sci-fi movies another step closer. So then gaming and operating the computers would be alot more fun and efficient at the same time. Soon I really hope that computers wouldn't need keyboards or mouse anymore. It would just be a big screen that you just type, point and click with your fingers. =)

Saturday, July 3, 2010


MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ok, here's my first post. Please do mind my poor lack of english grammar. But I am trying to practice hence this whole website and blogging.

Essentially this blog site, I hope to talk about electronic gadgets, games with new features, toys, technological advancements that either interests or annoys me. Also maybe time now and again, blog about something funny or cool for you guys to watch.

I hope you guys get to enjoy my blogging and complaints.