Ok, I think it's about time to give my review of Medal Of Honor.
I think the game is MEH.
It's quite realistic, but there are something that needs to be change.
Graphics were good I probably give 7/10.
Storyline wasn't much, a bit like Call of Duty but without the Zazz. You know what I mean? I'll say it should be 5/10.
Features? We'll, I didn't see much of a feature compared with all the other FPS/War/Realistic games.
You finish the game in an hour, like as if you had a blackout. What happen to games that gets exponentially difficult as you dive deeper. I remember first time playing Crysis, a huge boss in the end took me agesss to beat it. It was hard, that what's made it awesome to play! I played Crysis like 4-5 times!
To make it worst the game end in this crappy conversation trying to say something really philosophical or something like it! It's like a crappy movie where the evil guy is dead, but then a guy in the background says hey look another evil horde (end scene). Seriously what is up with that?! The least you can do is make the last fight or whatever to be epic!
Multi-player was quite annoying especially the snipers, there's pretty much no bullet time or a projectile effect (gravity pulling the bullet). It was like Counter-Strike but with less weapons. The maps doesn't really have proper cover spots, there's always some part of your body showing or holes in weird places. If you know the map well, you can get ALOT of kills. Spawn points are awful, and so many times, I either got killed or I killed someone from spawning in an open area. By the time you move, you get shot by a sniper and your dead.
It was small map, I was actually hoping for like similar approach like battlefield bad company 2. Medium size map with 20-30 players. But they didn't. The ranking ain't much to be high and mighty about, since it bloody easy to go up the rankings.
Here's a question, if i can prone in singleplayer, why can't I prone in multiplayer? As a sniper that is quite a useful position to aim and shoot people down. What you could do in singleplayer to be equal to what you could do in multiplayer no?
You know what, this game was quite focus for console gamers not for PC gamers. The simple and small menu size and layout is quite common for consoles. PC games have limited freedom to pick so do. This is what I hate, games that were design for console and changed to PCs. It's not RIGHT!. PC are not the same as consoles~! PCs should have the choice to be like Crysis.
This game overall should be around 5/10. I wouldn't recommend for serious war/action adrenaline junkies or console players. It isn't worth the money for it. I swear they spent most of their budget on advertising than the game itself.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Humans are just Awesome
This is just amazing. A compilation of all the amazing, improbable feats we humans can do.
I got this from Kotaku! Thanks.
Copper Wire = 825Mbps!?!?!
Nokia Siemens Networks see 825Mbps
I am really impressed at this. Not every single building housing around the global has fiber optic cables.
You guys might know the difference but here's physics 101. Copper wire, is just a very conductive metal both heat and electricity. All we need to know is that when electricity is pass through the wire, we can have signals. Its like Morse code, there are 1s and 0s or on and off, these 1s and 0s are pieces of code in which your computer would have the device or the algorithm to translate to useful packets of data.
The difference between Copper wire and fiber optics is that fiber optic cables uses light. Light are pretty much the fastest type of communication we can use known to date. The speed of light is ~300 000 000 metres / per second, and copper wires don't go that fast. The fiber optic cable uses, long strains of glass fiber flexible of course and wrapped with a reflective sheeting. This allows the light to bounce all the way from one to the other. It's a brilliant idea, but you have to ensure that the fiber optic is good quality, so over time of bending it won't break.
From this you can see why we like fiber optics no?
But apart from the speed, just think how long it takes to make copper and how long it takes to make fiber optic. For copper wires, you just melt couple of bars of copper mix it with some cheap but good quality gold (it's because gold has properties that prevent copper form rusting). For glass you have to first melt certain minerals obtain from sand and other specially made chemicals to give the fiber a flexible feature. After making a bar of flexible glass you have to melt and pull it so it makes a thin line. Not only it takes longer to make fiber optics, its more expensive.
Now back to the article at hand from Engadget. For Nokia Siemens Network to develop a new technology that pushes a normal copper wire to transfer 825 Mbps? I don't know about you that to me that is damn well pretty amazing. My USB 2.0 plugs can do only 500Mbps, and that's just a short wire directly connected to my computer!
I don't know about you guys, but if Nokia Siemens Network plays this right they could score the big home run (Mind the pun).
I am really impressed at this. Not every single building housing around the global has fiber optic cables.
You guys might know the difference but here's physics 101. Copper wire, is just a very conductive metal both heat and electricity. All we need to know is that when electricity is pass through the wire, we can have signals. Its like Morse code, there are 1s and 0s or on and off, these 1s and 0s are pieces of code in which your computer would have the device or the algorithm to translate to useful packets of data.
The difference between Copper wire and fiber optics is that fiber optic cables uses light. Light are pretty much the fastest type of communication we can use known to date. The speed of light is ~300 000 000 metres / per second, and copper wires don't go that fast. The fiber optic cable uses, long strains of glass fiber flexible of course and wrapped with a reflective sheeting. This allows the light to bounce all the way from one to the other. It's a brilliant idea, but you have to ensure that the fiber optic is good quality, so over time of bending it won't break.
From this you can see why we like fiber optics no?
But apart from the speed, just think how long it takes to make copper and how long it takes to make fiber optic. For copper wires, you just melt couple of bars of copper mix it with some cheap but good quality gold (it's because gold has properties that prevent copper form rusting). For glass you have to first melt certain minerals obtain from sand and other specially made chemicals to give the fiber a flexible feature. After making a bar of flexible glass you have to melt and pull it so it makes a thin line. Not only it takes longer to make fiber optics, its more expensive.
Now back to the article at hand from Engadget. For Nokia Siemens Network to develop a new technology that pushes a normal copper wire to transfer 825 Mbps? I don't know about you that to me that is damn well pretty amazing. My USB 2.0 plugs can do only 500Mbps, and that's just a short wire directly connected to my computer!
I don't know about you guys, but if Nokia Siemens Network plays this right they could score the big home run (Mind the pun).
Monday, October 25, 2010
Check it out. We are obliviously still in the TRON phrase. And Bloody hell, the movie hasn't even come out yet.
Tron is awesome. Nothing else. Its just AWESOME!
First was the Biker Tron Suits, then Razer Tron gaming mouse keyboard AND mouse pad. And now this, the Tron legacy SHALL CONTINUE!!!
Look at the watch and how can you tell me that u don't like it's simplistic design, it's brilliant! So what if it takes like 30 seconds for you to process what time it is. You be looking at it for a whole minute just to see it move a bit!
They should just have a little USB port that is secretly hidden behind the watch or something. Then we could just plug it in our computers and let us change the time, color of the lights.
I believe ToykoFlash is planning to make the watch. And the designer is by designer Scott Galloway.
I don't care, I'm just going to buy one. As long as its blue or red, I'm going to buy one. End of Story!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Very Creepy Robot Dancing?
HRP-4C dances and sings her way into the Uncanny Valley
It is actually tapping its feet on the floor. I didn't know until now that the robots the companies are developed are advanced up to the stage of such move-ability.
Ok, it's not break dancing, its not doing mega high jumps across a 50 foot wide river. But its the little steps that count. Just around 10 years ago, Honda developing what people back then thought extremely hard to do. Honda presents their ASIMO robot.
Honda now develop their ASIMO robot to move actually quite fluent.
Interactive Presentation of the ASIMO
The HRP-4C robot compared with ASIMO robot, is slightly different. It looks less bulky, slim and an uncanny human face. The hands are a bit weird, they're like man hands...
Either way I say another 5 more years and a bit more funding future robots are going to be part of service industry.
It is actually tapping its feet on the floor. I didn't know until now that the robots the companies are developed are advanced up to the stage of such move-ability.
Ok, it's not break dancing, its not doing mega high jumps across a 50 foot wide river. But its the little steps that count. Just around 10 years ago, Honda developing what people back then thought extremely hard to do. Honda presents their ASIMO robot.
Honda now develop their ASIMO robot to move actually quite fluent.
Interactive Presentation of the ASIMO
The HRP-4C robot compared with ASIMO robot, is slightly different. It looks less bulky, slim and an uncanny human face. The hands are a bit weird, they're like man hands...
Either way I say another 5 more years and a bit more funding future robots are going to be part of service industry.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Google Car!
Google Unmanned Motor Vehicles
I always wonder why google didn't started this when there was a street view look of pretty much the most popular cities around the world. As said on the video shown above, the Google asked from organization that has already started developing Unmanned Motor Vehicles.
Probably most of you guys know, there's a lot of companies and researchers that already started developing computer driven vehicles for a couple of years now. So what makes Google so different from the others? Everyone knows Google. So whatever they decide to do, people would know.
Would they do a good job? Well, I would think so. They have so much money, if there's any problem the cash is there to fix.
Google Unmanned Motor Vehicles
I always wonder why google didn't started this when there was a street view look of pretty much the most popular cities around the world. As said on the video shown above, the Google asked from organization that has already started developing Unmanned Motor Vehicles.
Probably most of you guys know, there's a lot of companies and researchers that already started developing computer driven vehicles for a couple of years now. So what makes Google so different from the others? Everyone knows Google. So whatever they decide to do, people would know.
Would they do a good job? Well, I would think so. They have so much money, if there's any problem the cash is there to fix.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
PS3 Move
I think it is a really good idea. I mean we all know PS3 graphics power is extreme, combining with a wider range of interactive capabilities. It makes Wii look like a child's play.
Even though I have to say that PS3 Move controller doesn't really look the best, its like a toddler's shaker melted with the Wii remote. The PS3 Move controller actually needs that little teletubby head to do the motion tracking. Three things that comes with the PS3 Move, a web camera for real-time visual tracking, the remotes and the accelerator to measure the force of the movement. It is literally the same as the Wii, the only difference it the motion tracking. Wii uses a infared sensors to track the remotes position. Whereas the PS3 Move using the webcam to track the little teletubby head moving around.
I haven't tried it myself, but what happens if there's background light? Or similiar color light. Not everyone likes to play the games hardcore with lights off and just the wide screen TV shining in their eyes.
Overall, I would like to buy this just to try it out. But until the games itself starts advance to a wider range of interactivity for the user. PS3 would be only but a tad more popular than Wii. I'll get back to you guys when I get to test out the PS3 Move controller.
But do remember! We still have consider Microsoft's Kinect when that comes out!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Razer Tron Keyboard and Mouse + Pad
Tron Gaming Devices from Razer
I don't about you guys but this is making me wanna die for the Tron movie to come out!
Tron Keyboard it lights up.
Tron Mouse it lights up.
Tron Mouse Pad it lights up.
'Wait... what?!' said the stunned audience.
Apparently the mouse pad lights up wherever you move your mouse, just like the light bikes! How awesome is that?!?!
I am pretty much a Razer fanatic customer. I have Razer Deathadder, Razer Piranha, Razer Goliathus Control Edition and Razer Moray. I'm sorry, but I'm sure there are other gaming devices that is possibly equally as good as Razer but for me I love Razer for both looks and capabilities.
Thanks Razer again for making gaming one more step to being awesome.
Dual Screen Phone???
Engadget: Fujitsu dual-touchscreen concept phone hands-on
Ok, this is going back to my discussion on dual screens. Yes battery life is low, yes two screen is better than one and yes it looks awesome.
This is different. As we know that mobile devices compared with laptops with dual screen are two different things. But looking at Apple with their iPad, iPod Touch 4th generation and iPhone. The products are getting closer to closer to having similar laptop or desktop capabilities on mobile devices. If Apple manages to create their product closer to replicate same capabilities as a laptop or a desktop. Maybe I would need to re-think on have dual screens.
As I know right now, the reason why electronics eat battery like drinking soup has two points. One the requirement for electricity for the brain (CPU) to process the processes. Two is the LCD screen and lights to for us to ... well see.
Good thing I know about Apple's OS is simple, light and efficient, as compared with Windows well... it ain't good (Sorry, Windows still using you for gaming!). So by reducing one my points (as in the CPU eating the battery to process), that could prolong the battery life. If this dual screen mobile manages to last approximately the same time as well lets say the iPhone or any smartphones then viola.
One thing I like to raise, why don't we have mobile OS systems for laptops or desktop? They are normally by design, lighter, cheaper and efficient.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Tron Biker Suits!!!
Gizmodo: You Don't Need a Bike to Crave These Awesome Tron Suit Replicas
Check it out peeps, leather biker suits from Tron! This suit just makes me want to get a biker's license, the suit and a bike that modified to look like the Tron bikes.
Friday, October 1, 2010
An Interface Goggle!
Engadget: Recon-Zeal Transcend goggles now shipping, GPS and head-mounted display included
Offical Website: Recon-Zeal Transcend Goggles
Check it out peeps. The very first interface goggles is going into the market!
If you guys like snowboarding, skiing and any sports. Well this device is just going to take it to another level. It will bring sports games into reality.
I think this is jaw-droppingly good looking and geekiest as it will ever be. It quite simple, three buttons and a display screen bottom right corner. It would show multiple statistics or information depending how you select on the side of goggle.
I think the question now is.... WHY THE HELL IS THIS THE FIRST ONE TO COME OUT?!!?!??!
I mean come on, this idea is simple. A little screen at the corner three buttons and that's it!
You may say oh there might not be enough memory space to fit in the small space compartment it may have back a couple of years ago. Huh... hello? iPod Nano was small light and thin, even has a blood small screen.
You may say oh what about the GPS chip? That may take up alot of space in the goggles. Have you seen a GPS chip, or bluetooth chip? They are sssoooo freckishly small.
You may say oh what about battery life and the size of the battery to fit in it? Look if you're that gadget fanatic to obtain one of these. You probably have a portable battery charger for your mobile phone, especially for your iPhone or Android Phones. Battery life doesn't matter any more when this is the digital age, there are power plugs everywhere. Even a water proof power plug extension! The size of the battery? Well, I have two words for you lithium-ion batteries. The most reliable, long life and durable rechargeable battery being used in every electronic devices you have.
All in all, I say it about time this baby came out.
Dead Rising 2 Review
After watching my very first zombie movie written by yours truly George A. Romero. I always like the idea of the undead and the will to survive. Don't get me wrong, having an zombie apocalypse is just really REALLY bad but its something you might like to imagine What would you do if there is one?
I think this game stands out as one of the best zombie game out of the rest is the free roaming and making weapons with certain items. Sadly the game has time limits to the missions, so you can't just running killing zombies.
The game's graphics were pretty good for a game that requires massive numbers of 'actors' in one area. Its not high end extreme graphics like Crysis but it makes up for the entertainment factor.
Story Plot:
It ain't bad for a zombie game. Most of zombie games I have seen are just simple, bunch of zombies and a group of survivors getting from A to B. I think this game I have played so far have quite the range of possible side missions. It ranged from extreme violent psychotic break downs to simple cry for help situations. The main mission was pretty much linear throughout the game until the end.
I must say this game was pretty fun to play. I might continue to play just to max out the achievements or just have fun killing zombies. Although I wished that they had a unlimited time mode that we could achieve through some special means in the game. It would just allow people like me to just go around killing zombies with my PaddleSaw.
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