Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dual Screen Phone???

Engadget: Fujitsu dual-touchscreen concept phone hands-on

Ok, this is going back to my discussion on dual screens. Yes battery life is low, yes two screen is better than one and yes it looks awesome.

This is different. As we know that mobile devices compared with laptops with dual screen are two different things. But looking at Apple with their iPad, iPod Touch 4th generation and iPhone. The products are getting closer to closer to having similar laptop or desktop capabilities on mobile devices. If Apple manages to create their product closer to replicate same capabilities as a laptop or a desktop. Maybe I would need to re-think on have dual screens.

As I know right now, the reason why electronics eat battery like drinking soup has two points. One the requirement for electricity for the brain (CPU) to process the processes. Two is the LCD screen and lights to for us to ... well see.

Good thing I know about Apple's OS is simple, light and efficient, as compared with Windows well... it ain't good (Sorry, Windows still using you for gaming!). So by reducing one my points (as in the CPU eating the battery to process), that could prolong the battery life. If this dual screen mobile manages to last approximately the same time as well lets say the iPhone or any smartphones then viola.

One thing I like to raise, why don't we have mobile OS systems for laptops or desktop? They are normally by design, lighter, cheaper and efficient.

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