Saturday, October 30, 2010

Medal Of Honor Review

Ok, I think it's about time to give my review of Medal Of Honor.

I think the game is MEH.

It's quite realistic, but there are something that needs to be change.

Graphics were good I probably give 7/10.
Storyline wasn't much, a bit like Call of Duty but without the Zazz. You know what I mean? I'll say it should be 5/10.
Features? We'll, I didn't see much of a feature compared with all the other FPS/War/Realistic games.

You finish the game in an hour, like as if you had a blackout. What happen to games that gets exponentially difficult as you dive deeper. I remember first time playing Crysis, a huge boss in the end took me agesss to beat it. It was hard, that what's made it awesome to play! I played Crysis like 4-5 times!

To make it worst the game end in this crappy conversation trying to say something really philosophical or something like it! It's like a crappy movie where the evil guy is dead, but then a guy in the background says hey look another evil horde (end scene). Seriously what is up with that?! The least you can do is make the last fight or whatever to be epic!

Multi-player was quite annoying especially the snipers, there's pretty much no bullet time or a projectile effect (gravity pulling the bullet). It was like Counter-Strike but with less weapons. The maps doesn't really have proper cover spots, there's always some part of your body showing or holes in weird places. If you know the map well, you can get ALOT of kills. Spawn points are awful, and so many times, I either got killed or I killed someone from spawning in an open area. By the time you move, you get shot by a sniper and your dead.
It was small map, I was actually hoping for like similar approach like battlefield bad company 2. Medium size map with 20-30 players. But they didn't. The ranking ain't much to be high and mighty about, since it bloody easy to go up the rankings.

Here's a question, if i can prone in singleplayer, why can't I prone in multiplayer? As a sniper that is quite a useful position to aim and shoot people down. What you could do in singleplayer to be equal to what you could do in multiplayer no?

You know what, this game was quite focus for console gamers not for PC gamers. The simple and small menu size and layout is quite common for consoles. PC games have limited freedom to pick so do. This is what I hate, games that were design for console and changed to PCs. It's not RIGHT!. PC are not the same as consoles~! PCs should have the choice to be like Crysis.

This game overall should be around 5/10. I wouldn't recommend for serious war/action adrenaline junkies or console players. It isn't worth the money for it. I swear they spent most of their budget on advertising than the game itself.

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